About me

Dr. Chongfeng Wei is an Associate Professor (University Senior Lecturer) of James Watt School of Engineering at University of Glasgow. Chongfeng received his PhD from University of Birmingham, after which he worked at Hong Kong Polytechnic University and University of Waterloo as a postdoc of Motion Research Group with Prof. John McPhee, and then joined Shanghai Jiao Tong University as an assistant professor, after which he moved back to the UK until now. Chongfeng is interested in how to make the future autonomous vehicles interact with humans and the traffic environments naturally, and he is also interested in the design of robots that can effectively interact with challenging environments including humans and severe environments by employing AI techniques, bio-designs, and first principles of dynamics and control. Chongfeng also serves as an Associate Editor of IEEE TITS, IEEE TVT, IEEE TIV, IEEE OJ-ITS, and Frontiers on AI and Robotics.

Research Interests

  • Decision-making and Planning of Intelligent Vehicles
  • Collective Autonomy: Perception and Planning
  • Robotic System Design and Dynamical Control
  • Dynamics and Control of Mechanical Systems
  • Human Behaviour Study and Prediction
  • Human-Robot Interaction

Potential Opportunity

I am constantly looking for passionate PhD students to join me. Please contact me if you are interested in applying for a PhD candidate in my research lab. Visiting scholars in related research areas are also welcome to contact. University of Glasgow has several type of scholarships including both University scholarship (14 international ones) and CSC-based scholarship (20 candidates), so if you are interested in phd application through CSC and have relevant background and excellent research experience, please contact me.